Sorry for those of you who are avid readers of my blog (i.e. nobody), and those of you who just happened to stumble across it because you were bored one afternoon (yes, I'm on to you; stop procrastinating and get back to studying!). I haven't posted in a while because, despite my reservations, I took the NSPCC internship that I was talking about before. Turns out to have been a good decision! Yes I'm skint, and am out of the house for 12 hours a day, working full time four days a week for a job that I don't get paid for, but the people are lovely, I'm learning lots and will have a huge amount to put on my CV which is always good!
The downside to it is that I have to leave the house at 6.45am, and don't return until at least 6.45pm, which is a long day. It is only 4 days per week however, and so worth it! I'm working in the HR department (something that is NOT a long term career goal, believe me!), organising training courses and doing quite a bit of administrative work, as well as editing bits of the website and other things. As I said, it's not the most riveting thing in the world, but it's fairly straightforward, lots of good experience and I seem to be picking things up ok. I've been doing a bit of job shadowing and extra work as well; the week after next, I'm shadowing someone from the fundraising department, which I'm really excited about, as I've decided that that's where I really want to work! I'd love to work organising some of the challenge events I think. So although it sucks not being paid for it, and I don't think I could do it for more than three months, I'm enjoying it and think it will be more than worth it.
Other than that, there's not really much going on in my life, as per usual. Pottering around with the dog; I did get to see my friends last weekend which was lovely. I miss them living in silly Yorkshire, and it's always amazing seeing them (soppy I know).
In an attempt to make my life seem exciting, I've decided to follow @fatmumslim's Photo a Day challenge. Her blog is here and her challenge is to take a photo every day of March, under the category she provides.

I'm starting a bit behind, so I cheated a bit and took 1-7 all today, but I'll start doing it properly as of tomorrow.
Picture One - Up
I looked up and saw, on top of the fridge, the remnants from Christmas. Every year we buy a Christmas pudding that no-one eats, because only my Stepdad likes it, but of course "It wouldn't be Christmas without it!"
Picture Two - Fruit
We didn't have anything particularly inspiring in our fruit bowl as we've just had my Stepsisters for the weekend and don't go to Tesco until tomorrow (our sad little routine) so I made do with what we had. Was tempted to use this for the 'Smile' category too :)
Picture Three - Your Neighbourhood
I could have gone out and taken some pictures of the hills, but I was too lazy and, as you can see, it was snowing (yes, in March, welcome to Yorkshire!) so I'll save that for another day. It's still quite pretty, or it would be without the houses in the way.
Picture Four - Bedside
I wasn't sure what to do for this one at first, as there isn't anything particularly inspiring at my bedside, but then I spotted my chocolate doggy snoozing, and so took one at HIS bedside. He's too cute for his own good really.
Picture Five - A Smile
Again I wasn't sure what to do for this one, as you really don't want my ugly mug on here, so I decided to take one of half of one of my bedroom walls. As you can see, I love photos, and can't resist displaying all of them at once. There are plenty of smiles on here, and it always makes me smile when I see it, so thought it would qualify. All my free walls have photos on them, and in the middle of this lot is a world map, which I stick stickers onto when I've been somewhere; I love to travel too so this equals lots of smiles and happy memories.
Picture Six - 5pm
Really unimaginative here, although it is a nice clock. 5pm in my kitchen, sitting writing this blog
Picture Seven - Something You Wore
The top on the left is one I wore yesterday, one of my favourites from Mantaray (a make from Debenhams which is really pretty and one of the only shops nowadays that does shops that flatter my shape). I have three others in different colours and wear them pretty much every day. The two on the left are new ones that I bought (very cheaply) from eBay after I extended my overdraft as a treat. I tend to wear things to death, and wear the same things every day so, especially now I've started a job where I have to look relatively smart, it's nice to have some new things to wear. In the middle is my make-up bag (one I bought while I was in Africa) and I wear make-up everytime I have to go out because (even at 21 years old) I have awful skin.
I started getting spots at the young and innocent age of 9, and used to dream of the day when I would have lovely skin. Fortunately I've gone past the days when I had to use cream that bleached the hell out of my clothes, but I still have to use Clearasil, and feel like a teenager everytime I use it. I didn't wear makeup for three months while I was in Africa, and my skin didn't improve at all, so now I don't even feel guilty about wearing it. I only wear concealer, foundation and a bit of eyeliner and mascara so not too bad!
I've decided I really like this challenge. It makes me think, and then start waffling about really random things haha! I'll love you and leave you for now, but expect to hear from me much more often now I've started doing this challenge.
Better late than never, right? You have a good start to your photos. Hope you keep them up. I stumbled over here from fatmumslim (I'm trying to check out a few blogs a day).
ReplyDeleteIs that a figgy pudding? I made one for my dad two Christmas's ago. I wasn't too keen on it, but the cream sauce that went on top? I could have lived in it!
My thoughts exactly, and I'm so glad I started; determined to keep it up now! I love FatMumSlim's blog; have you seen Teenage Granny's? I'm addicted to them both!
ReplyDeleteYeah it's something of the sort, not really sure as I don't like it, hence why it's still there haha :)